Children’s Sunday School


What to Expect

Children K-Grade 6 are dismissed to Sunday School with their leaders following the first worship song in the main service.

On the first Sunday of the Month, the kids remain in the sanctuary for the duration of the service. There is a special moment for children and they are given activity packs at the welcome table. Don’t worry, if your children can’t sit still, this first service of the month is geared toward families and it is a joy to have everyone together.

There are also other events throughout the year such as picnics, outdoor events, holiday events, day camps, and more!

This year, we’re following the Hyfi student curriculum.

Who are the Leaders?

Our children’s ministry pastor, Natalie Wong, and coordinator, Noelle Graftaas, are delightful individuals who love the kids and The Lord.

Got comments or questions? They can be reached at

There is also a team of wonderful volunteers who all have their police clearances up-to-date, helping on a consistent rotation.


The children’s Sunday School program operates out of the basement fellowship hall, boardroom, and office level Sunday School room of 1212 1St NW.


Please register your child for the GoodFruit Sunday Ministry.